Flying is Pretty Cool

Flying is Pretty Cool
New venture...children's book

Sunday, November 7, 2010

RED & Waiting for Superman

Both of the these movies are worth seeing. Totally different from one another I know, but worth seeing.

RED - Let me 1st put the disclaimer out that I have been in love with Bruce Willis since 1985 when he starred with Cybil Shepherd in Moonlighting. Putting that aside I have to say the movie was fun, entertaining and had a lot of star power beside Bruce. Morgan Freeman, who doesn't love him? Helen Mirren and John Malkovich just to name a few. All the characters are hilarious and although their are some rather unbelievable stunts (what action film doesn't have these?) anyone that sees this movie will enjoy the well spent 2 hours.

RED stands for Retired Extremely Dangerous. These retired operatives are seen as a threat and everyone they communicate with is put in danger, enter Bruce's character Franks long distance love interest