Flying is Pretty Cool

Flying is Pretty Cool
New venture...children's book

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Audio Books

I just finished "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. Although not my favorite book it did keep my interest and I was quite enamored with Greg Mortenson's desire to build relationships with the Islamic world in Afghanistan through it's people by building schools mainly for girls. How can you not love that goal. The story told by David gives great insight into the trials and tribulations Dr. Mortenson went through to first get the funding and then build the schools in very remote locations with people of another culture that continually brought about difficulty. Dr. Mortenson did the best job he could of fitting into this culture and has been truly successful because of his tenacity.

This would be someone I would love to meet and become acquaintances with, just to pick his brain a bit. Not to mention I feel surrounding ourselves with great people that believe in serving something bigger than themselves is a way to think outside the box. Outside our little lives that effect so few.

This book has been on the best sellers list long enough that you could easily pick up a second hand copy and become inspired to serve others. Don't miss out on this opportunity!

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